Posts Tagged With: Variety

The Right Way

With so many ways in which one can do the same thing, how does one choose the right way, first up? The answer to that is simple. You can, but should you?
I mean, if all those great people – not just, scientists and inventors, but everyone who did anything new – had opted to carry on doing it – right way, straight away – we might not have had anything different in life. And like the stones and rocks, our consciousness would have eventually subsided to doing nothing. Ever.
Fact remains that there in no one method of doing things. Machine operating instructions, aside. And definitely there is no permanently ‘right’ way.
Let’s take the potato for example. Across the world potato is a popular vegetable and definitely cooked in countless different ways. If we have discovered more than one way of cooking potatoes, perhaps there is more than one approach to most, if not all, other things in our life. We enjoy potatoes as fries, chips, boiled or mashed; therefore, ‘variety is the spice of life’. Indeed, if we only ever ate the potato in one style, we may soon lose the joy of the dish and the vegetable.
It would be infinitely more beneficial to think of the enjoyment of doing things, rather than the stressful worries of doing ‘right’. Be open to what other ways you can experience as the right way. Explore the options.
“If you’re not doing something different, you’re not doing anything.” – Sam Phillips
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