Posts Tagged With: Brain

Freedom is in our mind

Did you just say you have no choices? No options? Are you feeling caged?

Freedom is in our mind, my friend. Think about it. What is that you are clinging to? That is making you feel trapped. Attitude? Belief? Perception?

People want to be their nicest thriving self. Life doesn’t work that way. Our old behaviours and thinking itself creates obstacles. This plays out over and over. Limiting the range of thought may seem normal,  but such beliefs perpetuate the pattern of settling for our a little lesser, and then some more. Ultimately, we are moving the other way. We desperately need to break away from the past. Move forward and achieve what we are capable of.

Teach your brain that you own it. It must not command you.

Can you not set your mind free? Spread your wings and fly.  Out of the cage. Into the open sky.

You will probably find that the door is always open, and you were never caged. The traps were illusions created by your mind. It was your choice. It is your choice. It will always be your choice. Doubt it and you could still be in the cage. Believe it and you should soar free. It’s in your mind, it’s your choice.

“We are not animals. We have the power of choice.”Stephen Covey

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